Dandy Fit: 5 Minute Express Upper Body with Melody of obé

Introducing Dandy Fit, a new series where we ask women in the health and wellness space to guide us through a few minutes of reprieve at home. For the first installment, we asked obé fitness instructor and executive team member Melody Davi to come up with an express workout focused on toning and strengthening the upper body. In just five minutes, she’ll take you through four moves repeated three times in order to work every muscle in the upper body and get your heart rate up. We first did a workout with Davi on the obé platform a few months back and loved how direct and through she was at leading her strength-building class from start to finish. Davi is uplifting and encouraging without being too verbose during the workout—which is something we value in a fitness instructor! For a mid-day burst of endorphins when you feel stagnant and low, this is a good pick-me-up.

We also spoke to Davi about why HIIT exercise is so great for weight loss, what she typically eats before and after a workout, and what motivates her to keep charging forward.

What led you to becoming a workout instructor? How did you start working for obé?

I grew up a dancer and all around athlete, moving to NYC in my early twenties to pursue a career in musical theatre. While auditioning, performing, and auditioning again, I decided to become a certified personal trainer in order to have a "side job" that was both in-line with my passion for movement and gave me the opportunity to help others experience how great moving your body can feel! What was once a side hustle turned into a full-time career and I never looked back!

I met with the founder of obé in fall of 2018 after being introduced by another member of their talent team. I don't necessarily believe in fate, but it was an absolute dream to find a job that allows me to combine my love of fitness and performing on one platform. I joined their executive team this year, and am busy training their current and future talent!

We read you love doing High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), which is definitely a rare opinion! Would you say that HIIT is the best exercise to do if weight loss is the goal?

I am that rare breed that loves a HIIT workout and here’s why: I am all about spending my time wisely and efficiently. Because of the way HIIT trains your body (high intensity bursts paired with low intensity/recovery), you are actively revving your metabolism and creating an after-burn that will last hours after you are done working out (as opposed to more steady-state, endurance based cardio).  This makes it to be a great workout if you are pressed for time and looking to see results quickly. I would NOT recommend doing HIIT every day, but 2-3x/week, paired with strength training is a great combo for body composition change!

What do you typically eat before and after a workout? We're curious about how to maximize energy and also feel nutritionally satisfied. 

I typically have to train super early (5-6am), so if I have anything prior it’s water and coffee!  For my clients who train later in the day, I definitely recommend working out after having a light snack with a combination of  carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Almond butter with oats is a fave or avocado toast with a fried egg. I am not a nutritionist by any means, but those foods tend to serve me best.

Do you wake up motivated to exercise every day? Do you have any mantras or quotes you live by that motivate you?

I don't necessarily wake up a bundle of energy ready for burpees and squats. That being said, I know how truly successful and energized working out makes me feel, which is why I train early in the day.  Those endorphins make me a rockstar who can handle whatever else the day may throw my way!  

My overall outlook on working out and body image in general changed when I had my daughter five years ago.  It's not necessarily a mantra, but I "move for Maggie" so she can see me happy in my body, taking care of my health, and enjoying movement as best as I can.

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