The Dandy

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Emily Labowe

It’s hard to swallow liking a model and actress that’s as genetically blessed as Emily Labowe, but she happens to be an incredibly cool and intelligent woman who can’t help that she resembles a young Jane Birkin. We first saw Labowe in Look On The Bright Side, a short dark comedy film that chronicles a young woman’s struggle with suicidal depression. Her performance felt too authentic not to be rooted in her own life experience, which made us like her even more. The actress is open about her own struggles with depression and anxiety and seeks roles in films and shows that unpack commonly overlooked mental health struggles. In addition to her acting career, she’s modeled for brands like Everlane, The Kooples, and Sezane and is officially launching her side-hustle project Poppy Undies this fall. Her collection of intimates feature a range of intricately designed embroidery patterns—think Garfield, magic mushrooms, and flowers—that are so freaking cute. Since we’re all spending more time at home nowadays, these undies are the kind of feel good garments that make getting dressed to conquer the day in sweatpants way more fun.

Emily Labowe is a low-key beauty, a talented artist, and a complex soul—all of which and so much more make her so damn Dandy.

How old were you when you started modeling?

I started modeling after I graduated from college.

When did you begin acting? What was your first role?

I began acting four years ago. I booked my first commercial—a Secret deodorant commercial with a 60 second monologue—and then signed with my agency.

We know you acted in our friend's short film
Look On The Bright Side about a girl struggling with depression. You did it justice! Have you ever gone through depressive or very anxious periods of your life?

Yes! That is why I was so excited to work with Hannah Barbakoff, the writer and director. It’s important that more films and media discuss mental illness openly. There are definitely shows and films that have included the topic, but we need more of them! I have suffered from bouts of depression and I still struggle with anxiety. 

How has your relationship with your body evolved over time? We all have our phases, especially as women. Where would you say you're at now?

I think my relationship with my body has gotten better over the years, but it fluctuates day-to-day. There are times when I still struggle, but I have cultivated a sense of gratefulness and appreciation for the healthy body that I inhabit.

We love your underwear collection Poppy Undies! Have you been spending a lot of time embroidering during quarantine? How does that process work from start-to-finish?

Quarantine has been a trip! I’ve been mainly focusing on launching Poppy Undies in autumn. I have been shooting for some brands on location, but many I have shot on my own. Work is slowly beginning to pick up again. I design and draw all of my embroidery. Initially, I was hand embroidering all of my pieces, but for my launch in the fall, I embroider the sample and then send it to a local factory in DTLA to embroider the pieces.

We also love to hear about a good skincare routine. What’s yours?

I don’t have a regular skincare regimen. I usually take a bath every night and use the Aliange Daily Devotion Cleanser.

What are your five essential products?  

Glossier Boy Brow, eye lash curler, mascara, chapstick, and a scrunchie.

Have you noticed any difference in how men treat you on-set now (in non-pandemic times) versus before the Me Too movement?

I thankfully have not had any terrible experiences with any males on set. Having clear communication in all regards—but specifically with comfort level is key—along with removing the instilled power dynamic.   

As far as auditioning in the pandemic, have you been doing Zoom auditions? Has anyone come to you with creative narratives that take place in the present moment?

I have been filming a lot of self tapes. There are some shows based around the pandemic and life in quarantine.

If you could have a dinner party and invite five public figures (dead or alive), who would they be and what would you guys eat?

Joan Didion, Anais Nin, Henry Miller, Daniel Day Lewis, and Helen Miren. We’d definitely have Italian food. The menu would have Cacio e Pepe, fresh baguette and lots of cheese.

What's your exercise routine? Do you eat relatively healthy?

Prior to Covid, I was doing reformer pilates regularly. Now it’s harder for me to maintain a routine, but I try to do YouTube pilates videos when I can.

Reading these days is so hard because our phones are just so damn addicting. What books have you recently started?

I just finished Lady Chatterly’s Lover. I am now reading We Are The Weather by Jonathan Safran Foer.

Women supporting women is a relatively new phenomenon and it's awesome. But women can also be really jealous sometimes--especially of pretty women. Have you experienced issues with mean girls as a result?

Jealously and rudeness all stems from insecurity. It can be difficult, but I try to remind myself in those moments that this person is hurting and it’s not personal. Of course, it’s easier said than done.

What are some of your instant mood boosters when you're not feeling your best?

Talking to a close friend, doing something creative with my hands; I’ve been making loads of jam.

Has it been tough to figure out how to post "normal" content throughout the past few months? 

Social media is a precarious and tricky thing...

Any good playlist recommendations? Or simply some bands/artists you're into right now?

I listen to an instrumental playlist every day which includes Brian Eno, Max Richter, and Alexandra Streliski.

In a past-life, you were probably a: 


Your vices:

Sweets. Any food honestly!